
This blog has plenty of stuff to help you learn Uke if you're new, or if your a seasoned veteran to learn a new song or technique. Feel free to suggest songs or tabs. All the chord diagrams on posts are from ukuchords.com. Thanks, Pat - Owner

Friday, 20 December 2013

Tips For Begginers

One of the great advantages of a Uke, and I hate to say this because it sounds like you're limited to what you can do on a Uke, is that it can be really easy. That's why it's a great beginner instrument. Here's a few tips if you want to start.
-Learn these chords: C, G, F, D, Em, and Am. They will get you really far. Here are they're diagrams:

 chord diagram   chord diagram   chord diagram   chord diagram   chord diagram   chord diagram  The source for them is http://ukuchords.com/

-Don't use your thumb for strumming too much. It's O.K. if your starting, but stray away from it after a while. I use my middle finger, but most peeps I know use there pointer.
-Vary between chords and fingerpicking, but start out with basic tabs and work your way up.
-Don't stay at easy stuff for too long. Challenge yourself!
-And lastly, have fun. That's what Ukeing is all about.

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