
This blog has plenty of stuff to help you learn Uke if you're new, or if your a seasoned veteran to learn a new song or technique. Feel free to suggest songs or tabs. All the chord diagrams on posts are from ukuchords.com. Thanks, Pat - Owner

Monday, 30 December 2013

How To Read Tab

I'm sorry. I should have made this post earlier, posting up so much tab and for all I know you don't know how to read it! Tab reading is very important. If you don't want to play chords all the time, then you need to know how to read tab. This is just the basics, by the way, and if you want some thing more in depth go here: http://ukulelehunt.com/how-to-read-ukulele-tab/. Tab is when instead of playing a chord (4+ notes) you play just a few. So for example, you play the C note, which is 0th fret, C string, instead of playing the C chord, which is 0003. When tab is written, it's upside down. So the A string is at the top, G at the bottom, etc. The numbers mean what fret you press down on. So    -3-  
means press down on the 3rd fret, A string. When there's multiple numbers below and above each other it means you play them at the same time. Tab is written just like normal writing, from left to right. Hammer ons are when you pick the string and then put another finger on a fret above the one you're currently playing so you make two notes in one pick. Slides are basically the same thing except you slide instead. P.S. s=slide and h=hammer on. Hope this helps.

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